
I’m Hayden Findlay, I had a passion for farming and working on the land for as long as I can remember. I have had many year’s experience working on farms around Victoria and South Australia, as well as in corporate agriculture.

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In 2009, I decided to pursue a dream of making a living off our small family farm in Moriac. I knew that in order to make the farm a viable business I had to think outside the square. I'm passionate about using alternative, regenerative farming techniques in order to
restore the land as well as earn a profit from it.

Since 2008 I have been redeveloping the 90 acre property. In this time I have converted a humble beef farm providing minimal income, into a bio-diverse, naturally regenerating environment with a wide variety of stacked enterprises. 

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The main farming enterprises are TRUE free range pork and eggs. We sell these products locally into retail outlets, cafes and restaurants.  

I also produce our own natural honey, grass fed lamb, seasonal vegetables and cut flowers.

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